Ms Li (Sally) Fu, (R. Ac and R. TCMP) is a registered acupuncturist and traditional Chinese medicine practitioner of good standing with the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario (CTCMPAO).
Acupuncture is effective in initiating the calm rest-and-digest state of the parasympathetic nervous system, and promotes holistic healing. The practitioner addresses the root cause of your health issues while taking care of the manifesting symptoms.
Sally uses modalities like acupuncture needles, Chinese herbal medicine, Tui-Na manual therapy, Cupping, Gua Sha, Moxibustion & ear seeds to help support your body restore its balance. Traditional Chinese medicine treats people as a whole instead of individual diseases. This philosophy enables her to treat conditions such as:
Musculoskeletal disorders: arthritis, neuralgia, sciatica, back pain, bursitis, tendonitis, stiff neck, Bell’s Palsy, trigeminal neuralgia, headaches and migraines, sprains, strains and muscle spasms.
Respiratory disorders: asthma, bronchitis, colds and flus
Gastrointestinal disorders: irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, diarrhea, food allergies, ulcers, gastritis, abdominal bloating.
Gynecological disorders: PMS, irregular, heavy or painful menstruation, menopause, fertility, fibroids, chronic bladder infection, morning sickness, kidney stones.
Emotional and psychological disorders: anxiety, insomnia, depression, stress
Addiction: smoking cessation, drugs, alcohol
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine is used to effectively help relieve headache, neck, back tension and chronic pain. Sally, registered acupuncturist, will address the root cause of your health issues while taking care of the manifesting symptoms to get you on a healthier track. Holistic healing modalities used are acupuncture needles, moxibustion, cupping, massage, Shiatsu, Gua Sha and ear seeds.
75 min Initial Treatment: $125.00
90 min Follow Up: $140.00
1 Hr Follow Up: $115.00
45 min Follow Up: $90.00
Our registered acupuncturist, Sally offers Cosmetic Facial Rejuvenation Treatments to help promote holistic healing to your face and restore meridians associated with any imbalances. This traditional chinese medicine treatment is a natural way to rejuvenate the face and improves your skin integrity, tightens your skin, reduces wrinkles and decreases edema and puffiness around the eyes and face.
Acupuncture with Facial Rejuvenation also brightens your skin naturally by increasing blood circulation and oxygen to the tissues to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin to naturally give you a glow and younger looking skin.
90 min Initial Treatment: $140.00
75 min Follow Up: $125.00
Acupressure is a type of shiatsu/ traditional chinese medicine practice that involves treating blocked energy in affected meridians through manual manipulation to promote holistic healing. It shares the same theory source as acupuncture but instead of using needles, the practitioner uses manual pressure with a variety of techniques working on the skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments to open meridians and activate Qi. This modality has shown amazing benefits for various conditions such as headache, pain both chronic and acute, increasing overall oxygen flow and release of endorphins, a natural painkiller hormone.
What to expect? It is done through clothing, and no massage oil is needed. Loose fitting clothes are recommended for comfort.
90 min Treatment: 140.00
1 Hr Treatment: $115.00
45 min Treatment: $90.00
30 min Treatment: $70.00
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine is a very safe and effective treatment that can help support you in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy to reduce body aches and pain, anxiety, headaches and promote better sleep. Acupuncture is also recommended if you are experiencing symptoms of fatigue, back pain, sciatica, carpal tunnel or nausea.
Acupuncture is also effective and has been clinically proven to help turn a breach baby and stimulate certain affected meridian points to induce labor in a safe and non-invasive way.
75 min Initial Treatment: $125.00
1 Hr Follow Up: $115.00
45 min Follow Up: $90.00
Cupping is a Traditional Chinese Medicine practice used during an acupuncture session in which the acupuncturist uses heated glass cups, placed and moved on the skin to help decrease back and neck pain and relieve headaches. It also increases blood supply to these areas, producing the red marks where the cups have been placed. These marks commonly last between 1-3 days.
30 min treatment: $70.00
Our Registered Acupuncturist, Sally, has studied the famous Dr Wu's Head Massage which is a specialized traditional chinese medicine treatment integrating Tuina, massage, acupuncture meridians and acupoints to the ears, face, scalp and head.
Tuina is the Chinese medicine version of therapeutic massage, similar to Shiatsu. It involves the use of pressure at various acupuncture points and stretching along meridian channels and fascial connections. These techniques can help alleviate pain, increase circulation of blood and lymph, and restore health.
It is designed to relax the mind, help relieve headaches, migraines, neck pain, TMJ, improve sleep, reduce stress, anxiety, relieve eye fatigue from computer syndrome and improve overall wellness.
30 min treatment: $70.00